Swim Parkas & Swim Robes
Swim Parkas by Terry Rich
Swim Parkas by Terry Rich

About Swim Parkas & Swim Robes
Types of Swim Parkas
Uses for Swim Parkas & Robes
Advantages of Swim Parkas & Robes
Choosing a Swim Parka or Robe
Swim Parka & Robe Features
Swim Parka & Robe fabrics
A Swim Parka or a Swim Robe?
A Swim Parka or a Swim Coat?
A Swim Parka or a Bath Robe?
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Bath Robes versus Swim Parkas

Swim Parkas versus Bath Robes

Bath robes are probably the closest garments to towelling swim parkas and swim robes. Bath robes can be made from poly cotton and micro-fibre fabrics but they are often made from 100% cotton towelling. The significant difference is in the garment cut and shape however. Bath robes tend to be big and very loose fitting. The arms are wide and grand. The hems are floor length and bath robes don't have centre zips.

Bath robes are secured by wrapping the sides around and and securing with a waist tie. Bath robes are perfectly designed to go to and from the bath but by the pool or the ocean they are less at home. Not only do they look like a bath robe they are cumbersome, they easily drag and have a habit of undoing as you walk. We often see people struggling with their bath robes at the pool side and think that a swim parka or a swim robe is really what they are after.

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